Out Of Wilderness is the name of Oblivious third album.
Heavy rock and strong melodies have always been the characteristics for the Swedish band. With a changed lineup, a new studio and a new label the band blossomed and found new confidence.
With their already strong and compelling groove the band have focused on building stronger choruses and developing vocal harmonies in Studio Underjorden, a studio that previously recorded bands as Year of the goat, Night and Vanhelgd. The biggest change can be found in going from two to one guitarist, bringing forward a more crisp and classic guitar sound, giving more space for the primal groove and the wilderness in the songs. Album artwork is made by Mattias Frisk that has work with artists as Ghost BC, Night and Morbus Chron.
Oblivious new album is released by Gaphals, label and home to Swedish acts as Siena Root, Night and Beast. With two previous records (Goons and Masters 2010, Creating Meaning 2013) on Transubstans Records and three european tours and multiple gigs all over Sweden the band set focus on new goals. Forward, out of wilderness and into the future...