Gun violence is a global problem. Sound of Guns was written after a cold blooded shooting in Sweden last year. Two men armed with machine guns opend fire in a restaurant, killing 2 and wounding 8. The songs message is clear - we need to stop gun violence now!
The Bronco releases new lyric video as a response to the mass shooting in Orlando.
Sound of Guns is taken from The Bronco's latest release - State of Emergency.
About the band:

The Bronco was formed in 2010 and consist of Matt Dee on vocals/guitar. Nick West on bass/vocals and Peter Waljus (former leadsinger and guitarist in garagerockers Highride) on drums. Matt is the main songwriter in The Bronco. Forming the band he wanted to combine Sex Pistols heavy guitars with the sound of american bands like Replacements and Cheap Trick. After getting quite some attention from one single released four years ago - Century Boy. The Bronco were invited to headline at the Olympic Stadium in Stockholm during the World Cup in snowboard with an audience of 10.000. They were also invited to play during Swedish Skate Awards the same year. The song was also getting aired on national rock radio.
itunes: https://goo.gl/t4RsrP
Spotify: https://goo.gl/2uDzFE