Excited to bring you the debut Erik Nervous LP, 'Assorted Anxieties', that comprises the Shipshewana Swimming Demo (including an outtake that wasn't on the 7 version), the winter cassingle, the Teen Distortion Junk Music EP, Ice Cream 7", the Discontinuous Innovation tape, and the track off the Killed By Meth 2 comp.
'Funny word, ‘dumb’. And especially so when it comes to punk - kinda suggests the artist doesn’t know what they’re doing, or if they do, they’re too stupid to know any better. These are not
charges you would wish to level at Erik Nervous, who knows exactly what he’s doing and is way too smart to play it any other way. And yet! And yet! The 24 songs collected on Assorted Anxieties
are gleefully, wonderfully, brilliantly, heroically dumb.
Three-chord odes on boredom, shitty jobs (and too many of ‘em at that), having no money and whatever else occurs to him at any one time, these songs are the perfect antidote (or maybe soundtrack
to, or maybe riposte to) the relentless grind of the day-to-day, played with a frantic energy that recalls Wire circa Pink Flag, The Fall circa Grotesque (After The Gramme) and the rawest,
simplest rock’n’roll you’ve ever heard in your life. Listen to the lyrics if you wanna engage your brain, bop along to the frantic garage-punk mania if you can’t be bothered with all that
‘thinking’ stuff. Either way, revel in a record that’s too clever to take itself seriously and too perfect to give a fuck. If this is what it means to be dumb, let’s all drop out of school right
Will Fitzpatrick.