The Venomous Pinks' newest release, “Hold On”, hits deep by targeting childhood traumas, broken families, and suicidal ideations. This marks their fifth release off of the trio’s full-length album, Vita Mors on SBAM Records
Set both in the past and intertwined into the present, video themes were driven from personal experiences. The storyline follows vocalist and guitarist Drea Doll, unlocking a core childhood
memory of an argument between parents (the father is played by Jason Cruz of Strung Out). Reliving her younger self experiencing domestic trauma and contemplating suicide, she pleads to “stop”
and “hold on.”
Ultimately, the song’s positive message saves her younger self from harm. Doll reflects full circle between her songwriting process and filming experience on set. “Hold On” was always a personal
reminder that no matter what you go through, things can get better. The message of the video hits close to home for us. I experienced a similar situation growing up so going through the filming
process was very therapeutic and healing for me. To everyone who struggles with suicidal thoughts or has a broken home, you are strong and brave and things will get better.”
“This video really cuts deep. Growing up and witnessing my parents go through a similar experience, and seeing my mom crying you can only do so much as a child. I hope this video can relate to
others who come from broken homes. Just know that you are not broken. Always give a hug because you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors,” bassist Gaby Kaos adds.
Directors ‘Eternals’ also had the following to say regarding the music video: “Childhood can be such a traumatic experience, and a subject that is oftentimes not discussed. As adults we find
ourselves recounting the turmoil of youth and finding positive outlets to channel it (such as this music video) to express that there is always hope and a brighter tomorrow. Having both struggled
with a tumultuous childhood along with suicidal thoughts and attempts, we wanted to create something to send a clear message of ‘you’re not alone’. “Hold On” is an inherently life affirming song
with a positive message. We wanted to create something that matched not only the themes of the song, but the overall energy as well as being a relatable message.”
Important information about the video:
“The video, “Hold On”, was filmed on March 19, 2023 before The Venomous Pinks’ tour with the Bouncing Souls and Anti Flag. During filming, I wore an Anti Flag shirt that was printed by my best friend and bandmates’ printing company, Kaos Merch. The decision to wear this particular shirt was to give a shout out to her business, while also promoting a band whose morals I believed at the time aligned with my own. As a woman, I stand and believe the survivors that were impacted by Justin Sane’s horrific acts. While we were on tour with Anti Flag we did not witness any sexual wrongdoing whatsoever, but as a fellow SA survivor, I will not support anyone who has victimized another person. We didn’t know what we know now. We could have requested to edit the video so the shirt is no longer visible. However, we felt it would be dishonest and disloyal to those who were impacted. That does not align to who we are as individuals and collectively as a band. The foundation of the Venomous Pinks has and will always be built on honesty, transparency, and validity. In that spirit, we present the video as it was originally filmed. We apologize if any of our actions have hurt anyone in the process. Our hearts go out to all survivors. As a band we are so proud of those who have come forward to speak their truth.”
- Drea Doll
If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault please contact the National Sexual Assult Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 or visit www.rainn.org