With their new single "Kein Happy End" (translation “No happy ending; release date 14th of February, 2025), SICK OF SOCIETY open a new chapter in their band history. The developments of recent years have fundamentally changed their view of the world. The band, which has always stood up for social justice, anti-fascism and against the pathological excesses of capitalism, is now dedicated to the pressing challenges of the present - and focuses on a red-hot topic: artificial intelligence.
"No happy ending" is a flaming appeal not to blindly follow the apparent promise of technological progress. Humanity is once again blinded by its own hubris and the illusion of a bright future.
But the shimmering surfaces hide the dark dark sides: surveillance, dependence and the erosion of human values. „Auch wenn es so schön glänzt, das hier hat kein Happy End.“ (translation "Even if
it shines so beautifully, this does not have a happy ending.")
In 2025, SICK OF SOCIETY will remain true to their uncompromising musical stance: The music continues to be fast, direct and with an unbroken anger in the belly. But on "Kein Happy End" a new,
deeper facet of their political punk is revealed. The desperation in the face of a seemingly overpowering opponent is palpable, as is the tireless determination not to give up. More melodic
passages and more complex arrangements reinforce the emotional reverberations and make the urgency of the subject matter tangible. The sound is angry, dark and at the same time frighteningly
With "Kein Happy End" SICK OF SOCIETY provides the soundtrack to the dystopia. It's not just a song, it's a warning – a mirror of our society, which is lost in the rush of progress. It is a
desperate attempt to escape the catastrophe.